Senior Game Designer
As a Senior Game Designer, you will constantly research the game market, brainstorm fabulous ideas that match your brief, and work closely with graphic artists to turn your design concepts into polished presentations. In the end, your creations might become popular games that women just like yourself might play.
Women represent also an important target. 47% of the European game players are women.

Game Designer
Applying as a Game Designer? Good for you for choosing a growing industry. You’ll have the opportunity to join a team of experienced professionals and find the best ideas that can be implemented to create a fun and competitive game that can overcome the competition and engage the target.
The revenue in the gaming industry constantly increases. In 2020, it increased by 22%.

Senior Game Designer
Are you our next Senior Game Designer? Your journey of action gameplay, meta-game systems, and exciting content might begin shortly. Prepare yourself to mentor the newest members of the team and build a strong bond with all the people involved so that together, you can find new features and create irresistible games. Your team will need your intuition, your friendly feedback, and your attention to detail.
Your perspective will be very valuable. Only 20.38% of the European employees in gaming are women.

Junior Game Designer
Interested in a Junior Game Designer role? Then imagine engaging scenarios for multiplayer universes and cooperating with your team to refine the features, the style, and the characters. You might be a junior, but you’ll have big responsibilities ahead of you and you must always be ready for new challenges. Are you ready to leave your mark in the gaming industry?
1964 changed the gaming industry for women. Mabel Addis was the first writer of a video game and the first female game designer.

Render Engineer
Prepare yourself to lead the way to incredible graphics, as a Render Engineer. Your main task will be to develop cutting graphics and rendering features and to keep a close eye on your projects to optimize rendering on various games and demos. Count on your team to obtain a majestic visual result. Support will always be provided.
There are at least 3 international organizations that recruit, preserve, and provide support for the advancement of women in the games industry: WIGSIG, Women in Games International and WIGJ.

Gameplay Engineer
Technical women can belong in gaming. How? As Gameplay Engineers, for example. If you identify with this role, then you probably write code with your eyes closed. Not that it’s mandatory. But a strong requirement is that you find the best technical solution for each game development challenge. Are you ready to play this game?
Girls who play video games are 3 times more likely to work in the gaming industry further on.

Game Engineer
The perfect candidate for this Game Engineer role is definitely a tech person, but also a people person. One of your responsibilities, if you’d like to apply, is to actively seek to help your teammates and to actively participate in planning meetings. Will you give it a shot?
You’ll probably have other female colleagues in any department you choose. 56 million women worldwide are involved in the gaming industry.

Game Engineer
As a Game Engineer, your world will revolve around coding, reviewing your code, and writing some great code again. But in between, you’ll meet a great team you will collaborate with, share playful moments, be at the heart of all the cool games and have a blast. Wasn’t that your childhood dream?
The number of kids and teenage players has slightly decreased compared to 2019.

QA Project Manager
Do you like gaming but don’t have the technical or artistic skills? Well, there’s no need for them as a QA Project Manager. Your responsibilities will involve planning, implementation, and tracking one or multiple projects from the early levels of engagement. But don’t you stop there. Aim higher and higher.
Things are getting better, but women are still poorly represented. Only 16% of the executive positions in the gaming industry are held by women.

3D Artist
Games have been recognized as a form of art so as a 3D artist for a new game, you can let your creativity burst, especially when your work depends on it. Sharpen your visual sense and prepare to model, texture, and light real-time assets based on concept design and other references, using a variety of authoring tools and techniques. And don’t be shy. You’ll be inspiring and influencing other girls.
The gaming industry has female influencers as well. The most popular on YouTube are iHasCupquake and SSSniperWolf.

Technical Artist
Can tech and art mix into a balanced concept? Mais oui. If you are the living proof of this combination, join the team as a Technical Artist and work closely with other Technical Artists, Environment Artists and Designers to improve existing pipelines and implement innovative solutions with complex technical art requirements.
France has the biggest number of gaming industry employees: 15 000.

Character artist
As one of the most beautiful jobs in gaming, the Character Artist role involves a rich imagination and a strong ability to visualize and draw designs in 2D. You have to explain and pitch your ideas clearly to the client and design team, as well as to adapt and refine your work based on client response. Not all your characters will be artistic, but all must be relatable.
Some characters can be real people. A football game portraying real football players qualified as number 1 in Top selling games 2020.

3D Animator
As long as a game lacks motion, it is not a game. So step into the light as a 3D Animator and make your magic. Work closely with 3D modelers, riggers, and technical directors to ensure that the final asset will turn out the best way possible and all the characters involved will be full of life and authentic through their movements. The gamers’ consoles won’t wait for long.
True gamers invest in their passion. The biggest revenue from gaming in 2020 comes from console users.

Game artist
We lack a Game Artist and we think you might be perfect for the role! If you feel the same and have a proven experience of crafting visual masterpieces along with a producer and an art director, let’s have a chat. We would like to know more about your illustration style, the projects you were involved in, and the way you mix the technical requirements with an artistic perspective. If you’re the right person, there’s nothing but opportunity ahead.
Gaming opportunities keep rising. The total European gaming market size reached 23.3 billion euro in 2020.

Business Analyst
Are you a visionary? But also a people person? As a Business Analyst, you’ll work with the studio management and stakeholders to define and maintain our long-term product strategy and objectives. But you will also attend game development teams meetings to define certain strategies that depend on your budget plan. How much can each department spend?
Spending is also a parents’ concern when it comes to gaming. 97% of parents use some form of method to manage or monitor their children’s in-game spending.

Data Analyst
Associating numbers with actions is the most important skill for a Data Analyst. Sounds familiar? Well, come aboard, and let’s dig our noses into a high volume of data and interpretation methods that lead to better decisions and better decision-making processes. We want to keep making good choices. At least as good as the new trend of creating more and more female characters.
18% of games launched last year featured female characters. This might not be a huge number, but it’s clearly bigger compared to the previous years.